John 4:23-30 Worship in Spirit and Truth Bible Commentary

John 4:23-30

23 But a time is coming, and even now has arrived, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. 24 God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” 25 The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming (He who is called Christ); when that One comes, He will declare all things to us.” 26 Jesus said to her, “I am He, the One speaking to you.”

27 And at this point His disciples came, and they were amazed that He had been speaking with a woman, yet no one said, “What are You seeking?” or, “Why are You speaking with her?” 28 So the woman left her water pot and went into the city, and said to the people, 29 “Come, see a man who told me all the things that I have done; this is not the Christ, is He?” 30 They left the city and were coming to Him.


V23-24 Jesus tells the woman that true worshipers of God worship in spirit and truth.  What does it mean to worship God in spirit and truth?  The Greek word used for spirit is pneuma meaning wind or spirit.  But taken in context, Jesus is referring to a human’s spirit.  According to Thayer’s Greek Lexicon, pneuma can mean the rational spirit, the power by which a human being feels, thinks, wills, decides.  Therefore God desires us to worship Him with all that we are. This hearkens back to Moses telling the Israelites how they are to love their God. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.” (Deuteronomy 6:4)

Secondly, God wants truth to guide our worship.  The Greek word for truth used here is aletheia.   Aletheia is translated as unconcealedness, disclosure, revealing.  But altheia also can mean truth in accordance with ideas and reality.  So to worship God in truth means that you come to Him with a transparent heart, with all that you are, treating Him in accordance to what He has revealed about Himself.

Remember, God’s chosen people are the Jews.  He revealed Himself to the Jewish nation.  Therefore the Jews had the most complete idea of who God truly is.  Jesus was pointing the woman to the truth about God. God is a spirit, not bound to a specific location or building.  And if God is a spirit, then our gifts must be befitting to Him.  Those gifts must be spiritual in nature, like love, obedience, faithfulness, truthful worship.

V25  After this discussion of what true worship is, the woman seems to connect this knowledge with the Messiah.  Jesus seems to be sculpting the conversation to specifically reveal Himself to her.  What an incredible experience for this woman.  It would have been shocking for the Messiah to reveal Himself directly to anyone, let alone a woman in that time period.

NOTE:  There is no “he” in Greek.  Therefore, Jesus is actually speaking in the style of deity.  Jesus is really saying, “I that speak to you, I am.”  Jesus is proclaiming that He is God, the Messiah.

V27 The disciples return to the well, see Jesus speaking to the woman, but no one questions Jesus.  It is logical to assume the disciples somewhat respected Jesus’ authority and wisdom. They were learning that Jesus always had good reasons for the things He did.

v28-30  The woman abandons her waterpot in her rush to tell others about Jesus.  The fact that she left the pot at the well implies that she will return.  Her exaggeration about Jesus reveals the deep impression Jesus had made upon this woman.  The joy and urgency this woman brought to the village is exemplified in how the people responded.  They quickly came to see Jesus.


1.)  The Importance of Truth – Jesus says that we must worship God in spirit and truth.  The truth about ourselves and about God are both of critical importance. Not only must we come to Him with honest hearts but we also must be willing to embrace the truth about who God says He is.

Our culture is more than willing to say that God is a God of love while ignoring God’s justice, perfection, righteousness and holiness.  To hand pick the qualities of God that you wish to honor, while ignoring others, is making a god of your own choosing, which is idolatry.  God has chosen the bible as the main way to reveal Himself.  Therefore if you want to know God, steep yourself in the bible.  This is one of the most beautiful ways God uses to talk to us.

Relationships thrive when truth and humility are valued and cultivated.  Conversely, relationships disintegrate when these qualities are absent.  So it is with our God.  When we come to God in humility and honesty, God is more than willing to shower us with grace.  God loves you and desiring a relationship with you.  Turn to Him in humility and be honest with Him.  Pour out your heart to Him.  He is eagerly waiting for you.  He loves you.  To see proof, look at the cross.

2.) Trusting God– When the disciples returned to find Jesus talking with a woman, a Samaritan woman at that, they did not question Him.  Since the disciples didn’t even question Jesus, this showed great respect and trust in Jesus, in his reasons and purposes.

Life is filled with circumstances that are difficult, painful and tragic.  We live in a fallen world.  How do you see your trials in light of God’s love, authority and purposes?  It is human nature to feel as if God does not love you when tragedy or heartache strikes.  However this is a lie of the devil.  Reflect on the trials in the lives of Job, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Joseph, Paul and Jesus. God brought great purpose and good from all the trials He allowed in their lives.  And He will do the same for you.  He loves you.  God is always for you, never against you. He uses our heartaches and trials to refine us and grow us into the image of His Son.  For more on the topic “Is God angry with me” click here.

3.) Saving Faith Produces Change –  The Samaritan woman becomes convinced that Jesus is the Messiah after speaking with Him.  Not only does she leave her water pot behind, but she runs to the very people she previously avoided.  She is no longer focused on her shame, but instead focuses on telling others about Jesus.

The Samaritan woman exaggerates what Jesus said about her past which shows just how deeply she has been touched by His knowledge.  The people see this change, their curiosity is aroused and they come to see this Jesus.

What about your faith?  Has it produced any change in your life?  If you believe in Jesus, you have received the Holy Spirit.  When the Holy Spirit makes His home in you, He begins to change your heart, producing new desires.  New desires produce new actions, which lead to a changed life.  These changes are rather quick for some, but for most they are more gradual over time.  Jesus said that it is by our fruits that we are known as His disciples (Matthew 7:20). For more on signs of genuine faith, click here.



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